Virtually produced video projects

Virtually Produced Videos (Remote Production)

Ant Farm Media, Inc. has produced numerous videos virtually (remotely) for numerous clients.


Pre-Production: Planning and Preparation

Effective video production starts with meticulous planning. Ant Farm Media’s pre-production phase involves comprehensive scriptwriting, storyboarding, and shot planning. By using our virtual producing platform, the team collaborates with clients to fine-tune every detail before moving to the production stage.

Key Pre-Production Tools:

  • Scriptwriting Software: Tools like Final Draft and Celtx for collaborative script development.
  • Storyboarding Apps: Programs like Storyboarder to visualize scenes.
  • Project Management Platforms: Solutions like Trello and Asana to organize tasks and timelines.

Production: Shooting Remotely

Remote shooting presents unique challenges, but Ant Farm Media has mastered the art with innovative solutions. By using high-quality cameras and streaming technology, directors can oversee shoots in real time, providing feedback and guidance as if they were on set.

Key Production Techniques:

  • Remote Camera Operations: Employing PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) cameras that can be controlled remotely.
  • Live Streaming: Using platforms like Zoom or Teams for live direction, as well as other subscription based services that Ant Farm Media employs.
  • Distributed Filming: Coordinating with local videographers to capture footage, ensuring adherence to the creative vision.
  • Cell Phone Videos: Clients record on their webcams or cell phones and submit their videos after receiving our guidance sheet.

Post-Production: Editing and Finalizing

The post-production phase is where the magic happens. Ant Farm Media’s editors work with raw footage to create a polished final product. Using cloud-based editing software, the team collaborates seamlessly, incorporating client feedback in real time.


The Benefits of Remote and Virtual Video Production


Remote production significantly reduces costs associated with travel, accommodation, and on-site logistics. This allows Ant Farm Media to offer competitive pricing while maintaining high production standards.

Flexibility and Scalability

Remote workflows provide unparalleled flexibility, enabling the team to scale projects up or down based on client needs. This adaptability is crucial for handling a diverse range of projects, from small corporate videos to large-scale commercial productions.

Enhanced Creativity

By removing geographical constraints, Ant Farm Media can tap into a global talent pool. This diversity of skills and perspectives fosters greater creativity and innovation, resulting in more engaging and dynamic content.



We can also create videos for you using only stock footage and professional voice over, removing any virtual or remote filming, and simply creating a video to display your company’s services.


Below are some examples in all of the ways we have been able to achieve 100% remote and virtual video production.

Please contact us with any questions on producing your virtual video!


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