NAtional Apartment Association Conference videography in Atlanta

NAA APartmentalize Conference videography

for Real Estate Business Analytics

Ant Farm Media, Inc. provided conference videography for REBA (Real Estate Business Analytics) while they attended NAA Apartmentalize in Atlanta, GA.

REBA helps multifamily leaders ask insightful questions about their business by giving them access to all their data in one central location.​ They do this by offering a suite of solutions that gather data & deliver insights so you can unlock your aha moments and make better decisions, faster.​ With REBA, you can eliminate Excel hell, bad data, excess cost, and analysis paralysis with tools built by multifamily for multifamily.

NAA is the leading voice for the rental housing industry and as a trusted partner, valued connector and a powerful advocate, they are committed to serving 141 state, local and global affiliates, over 95,000 members and more than 11.6 million apartment homes globally. 

Ant Farm Media has been at several Apartmentalize Conferences for a number of clients, and we always have an amazing time.

For REBA, we captured client testimonials to highlight the benefit REBA’s software provided when different companies implemented it into their business.

See an example of one of the interviews we captured while at Georgia World Congress Center.

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